Processing trauma takes intention and time. So many of our stories have layers that unfold in unexpected ways and need our loving attention in order to heal. This intensive group is designed to take the time and space you need with the level of support >> more

What Will I Gain?
  • Identifying attachment wounds, core beliefs, shame shadows and core emotions related to your trauma story
  • Space to move through a difficult part of your story
  • Decrease trauma symptoms
  • Integrate more embodied resources
  • Deepen sense of compassion and empathy for self and others
  • Experience safe and supportive connections
  • Learning how to receive support while in distress
  • Integrate child part/wounded part of self
This group is supportive for those who:
  • Have resources and want to explore your story/narrative
  • Have a piece of your story that feels hard to process
  • Have ongoing PTSD symptoms
  • Feel stuck in repeating triggers/patterns
  • Feel you or your story are a burden to others
  • Are unsure if you have trauma but still have difficulty in relationships
Client Quotes:
Details and cost:
  • Time: 10 weeks, 1.5 hour each
  • Cost: $125/session; or $1250 total

$250 deposit due by Oct 15th to hold your spot

Even after most of us have done a lot of work in therapy and have many tools, we can still feel overwhelmed or stuck with intensity in our body when we experience triggers. This is often an ongoing pattern that can be very frustrating and makes us feel powerless. >> more

What Will I Gain?
  • TBD
This group is supportive for those who:
  • TBD
Details and cost:
  • Time: 4 weeks, 1 hour each
  • Cost: $100/session; or $400 total

Signup confirmation includes one-time, nonrefundable $20 supply cost.

Processing trauma takes intention and time. So many of our stories have layers that unfold in unexpected ways and need our loving attention in order to heal. This intensive group is designed to take the time and space you need with the level of support >> more

What Will I Gain?
  • Increased mind/body connection
  • Building language for internal experiences/sensations
  • Increase sense of safety and trust with the body
  • Practice attuning to the body
  • Identify resources in the body
  • Strengthening window of tolerance with the body
This group is supportive for those who:
  • Struggling to connect to their body
  • Feeling lost, dissociating/Disconnected from the body or self, or numb
  • Feeling unsafe in your body or hypervigilance, or high anxiety
  • Struggles to ground or come back to the present
  • Difficulty to identify or communicate what is happening in your body
Details and cost:

  • Time: 4 days, 6 hours each
  • Cost: $500/day; or $2000 total

Signup confirmation includes one-time, nonrefundable $20 supply cost..