It is not possible to process trauma without addressing the body. This introduction to the body is meaningful work. Trauma often hijacks our ability to feel safe and cultural systems have encouraged or demanded us to disconnect from ourselves >> more

What Will I Gain?
  • Increased mind/body connection
  • Building language for internal experiences/sensations
  • Increase sense of safety and trust with the body
  • Practice attuning to the body
  • Identify resources in the body
  • Strengthening window of tolerance with the body
This group is supportive for those who:
  • Struggling to connect to their body
  • Feeling lost, dissociating/Disconnected from the body or self, or numb
  • Feeling unsafe in your body or hypervigilance, or high anxiety
  • Struggles to ground or come back to the present
  • Difficulty to identify or communicate what is happening in your body
Client Quotes:

“This group is a great way to connect with your body and bring about more realization of the mind/body connection.”

“This experience is, contrary to popular belief, necessary to thrive as a human. Men, especially western men, need this. I am a case in point.”

“Impactful, grounding, calming, connecting.”

“This group gave me so many more tools to learn how to reground and connect to what my body was feeling…”
“A great place to give yourself space and permission to be curious about your body. You’ll hear better afterwards.”
Details and cost:
  • Time: 6 weeks, 1 hour each
  • Cost: $85/session; or $510 total

Even after most of us have done a lot of work in therapy and have many tools, we can still feel overwhelmed or stuck with intensity in our body when we experience triggers. This is often an ongoing pattern that can be very frustrating and makes us feel powerless. >> more

What Will I Gain?

  • Identify next steps in moving energy and tension out of your body safely
  • Learn and practice new tools to connect with your body mindfully
  • Increase your confidence in hearing your body’s needs/signals
  • Increase your mind/body connection

This group is supportive for those who:

  • Already attended Reconnecting to the Body
  • Curious about your body’s needs
  • Feel tension held in the body when/after being triggered

Details and cost:
  • Time: 6 weeks, 1 hour each
  • Cost: $85/session; or $510 total

Boundary workshop to prepare for the Holidays

The holiday season often brings up complex and difficult emotions and causes stress with relationships that have ongoing conflict or tension.

Since relationships do not remain stagnant, we often need to revisit our needs and boundaries to see if they are realistic and helpful. >> more

What Will I Gain?
  • Information about boundaries
  • Tools to identify needs and capacity
  • A plan for the holidays that fits
  • New language for communicating your boundaries clearly and kindly
This group is supportive for those who:
  • Struggle to show up for family events
  • Feel stuck in a role and do not know what to do
  • Have high conflict families
  • Have avoidant families who pretend everything is fine
  • Often feel manipulated by family members
  • Who struggle to say no
Details and cost:
  • Time: 3 hour workshop
  • Cost: $200 total
  • Max: 8 people